Uses of Class

Packages that use Id
spellcast.enchantment The Enchantments of the Spellcast System. 

Uses of Id in spellcast.beings

Methods in spellcast.beings that return Id
 Id IBeing.getId()
          The Id of this Being.
 Id Being.getId()
          The Id of this Being.

Methods in spellcast.beings with parameters of type Id
 void IBeing.setId(Id theId)
          Set the Id of this Being.
 void Being.setId(Id theId)
          Set the Id of this Being.

Constructors in spellcast.beings with parameters of type Id
Being(Id anId, java.lang.String aName, Gender aGender, int theMaxHitPoints)
          Creates a new BeingImpl object.
Wizard(Id id, java.lang.String name, Gender gender)
          Creates a new Wizard object.

Uses of Id in spellcast.client

Methods in spellcast.client with parameters of type Id
 void Client.setID(Id v)
          Set the value of id.

Uses of Id in spellcast.enchantment

Methods in spellcast.enchantment that return Id
 Id EnchantmentImpl.getId()
          The Id of this Enchantment.
 Id Enchantment.getId()
          The Id of this Enchantment.

Methods in spellcast.enchantment with parameters of type Id
 void EnchantmentImpl.setId(Id theId)
          Set the Id of this Enchantment.

Uses of Id in spellcast.event

Methods in spellcast.event that return Id
 Id GameUpdateEvent.getSource()
          Get the value of source.
 Id DisconnectionEvent.getWizardID()
          Get the value of wizardID.

Methods in spellcast.event with parameters of type Id
 void GameUpdateEvent.setSource(Id v)
          Set the value of source.
 void DisconnectionEvent.setWizardID(Id v)
          Set the value of wizardID.

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id IPCRequest.getId()
          Get the value of id.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void IPC.connect(IPCHandle handle, Id client)
          Connect the handle with the specified Id.
 IWizard Game.getWizard(Id idToMatch)
          Find the specified wizard by Id.
 void IPC.send(Id recipient, GameEvent e)
          Send an event to the specified client.
 void Game_Server.sendMessage2(Id id1, java.lang.String messageForID1, java.lang.String messageForEveryoneElse)
          Send a message to one Id and another message to everyone else.
 void Game_Server.sendMessage3(Id id1, java.lang.String messageForID1, Id id2, java.lang.String messageForID2, java.lang.String messageForEveryoneElse)
          Send a message to one Id, a message to another Id, and a message to everyone else.
 void IPCRequest.setID(Id v)
          Set the value of id.

Constructors in with parameters of type Id
IPCRequest(IPCHandle handle, Id id, GameEvent event)

Uses of Id in spellcast.model

Fields in spellcast.model declared as Id
static Id Id.EVERYONE
          This Id indicates that a message is for everyone.
static Id Id.NO_ONE
          This Id indicates that a message is from no one.
static Id Id.SPELLCAST
          This Id indicates that a message is from the game engine.

Methods in spellcast.model that return Id
static Id Id.createId()

Uses of Id in

Methods in that return Id
 Id WizardSocket.getID()
          Get the value of id.

Methods in with parameters of type Id
 void WizardSocket.setID(Id v)
          Set the value of id.

Uses of Id in spellcast.server

Methods in spellcast.server with parameters of type Id
 void ServerConnectionHandler.connect(IPCHandle handle, Id client)
          Connect the handle with the specified Id.
 void ServerConnectionHandler.send(Id client, GameEvent event)
          Send an event to the specified client.

Uses of Id in spellcast.ui

Methods in spellcast.ui with parameters of type Id
 void WizardDisplay.setID(Id id)
          Set the value of id.
 void SpellcastWindow.setID(Id id)
          Set the value of id.
 void SpellcastView.setID(Id v)
          Set the value of Wizard's id.

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