Package spellcast.ui

Interface Summary
GestureListener This listener interface for receiving Gesture events from spellcast.
NetworkController This is an interface to allow the GUI to request networking services.
SpellcastView This interface provides all the GUI view manipulation methods.
UIProperties This interface contains all the UI properties that can be fired in a PropertyChangeEvent.

Class Summary
ConnectionDialog The Connection Dialog allows the user to select a spellcast server to connect to.
ConnectToServerEvent Property change event for connecting to a server.
GestureButton A button that displays a gesture and can select a new gesture.
GestureHistoryCellRenderer The GestureHistoryCellRender is a Cell Renderer for the JList class that renders the gesture history list model.
GestureIcon This class is a Flyweight Factory for creating the Icons needed for the spellcast Gestures.
GestureMenuItemUI This is the UI delegate that handles the displaying of the GestureChoicesMenuItem.
GesturePopupMenu This PopupMenu displays the eight spellcast gestures that can be chosen.
NewGameDialog The New Game Dialog allows the user to create a new spellcast server.
NewGameEvent Property change event for a new game.
QueryDisplay The Query Display is the place where spellcast asks queries of the user.
ServerListTableModel This class represents the table model for storing a server list.
SpellcastWindow This window contains the three main displays of Spellcast; the Text Display, Wizard Display and Query Display.
WizardDetails This component displays the wizards details.
WizardDisplay This component arranges the Wizard Display to include each Wizard and any monsters they control.
WizardProfile A helper class for container wizard name and gender together to form a profile.
WizardProfiles Display the profiles stored in user.home/.spellcast/Profiles.txt.

Exception Summary

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