Uses of Class

Packages that use Gesture
spellcast.gestures The Gestures of the Spellcast System. 

Uses of Gesture in spellcast.beings

Methods in spellcast.beings that return Gesture
 Gesture Wizard.getLeftHandGesture()
          Get the value of leftHandGesture.
 Gesture IWizard.getLeftHandGesture()
          Get the value of leftHandGesture.
 Gesture Wizard.getRightHandGesture()
          Get the value of rightHandGesture.
 Gesture IWizard.getRightHandGesture()
          Get the value of rightHandGesture.

Methods in spellcast.beings with parameters of type Gesture
 void Wizard.setLeftHandGesture(Gesture theGesture)
          Set the value of leftHandGesture.
 void IWizard.setLeftHandGesture(Gesture theGesture)
          Set the value of leftHandGesture.
 void Wizard.setRightHandGesture(Gesture theGesture)
          Set the value of rightHandGesture.
 void IWizard.setRightHandGesture(Gesture theGesture)
          Set the value of rightHandGesture.

Uses of Gesture in spellcast.event

Methods in spellcast.event that return Gesture
 Gesture OkEvent.getLeftHandGesture()
          Get the value of leftHandGesture.
 Gesture OkEvent.getRightHandGesture()
          Get the value of rightHandGesture.

Methods in spellcast.event with parameters of type Gesture
 void OkEvent.setLeftHandGesture(Gesture v)
          Set the value of leftHandGesture.
 void OkEvent.setRightHandGesture(Gesture v)
          Set the value of rightHandGesture.

Uses of Gesture in spellcast.gestures

Methods in spellcast.gestures that return Gesture
 Gesture GestureFactory.getAntispell()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Antispell display Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getClap()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Clap Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getDigit()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Digit Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getEmptyHand()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the EmptyHand Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getFingers()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Fingers Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getKnife()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Knife Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getPalm()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Palm Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getSnap()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Snap Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getTwoHandedPalm()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the two handed palm Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getUnclear()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Unclear display Gesture.
 Gesture GestureFactory.getWave()
          Deprecated. The Flyweight creation method for the Wave Gesture.
static Gesture Gesture.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Gesture[] Gesture.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Uses of Gesture in spellcast.spell

Methods in spellcast.spell that return Gesture
 Gesture[] SpellImpl.getGestures()
          Return the Gestures needed to cast this ISpell.
 Gesture[] ISpell.getGestures()
          Return the Gestures needed to cast this ISpell.

Constructors in spellcast.spell with parameters of type Gesture
SpellImpl(IWizard theCaster, IBeing theTarget, Gesture[] theGestures, java.lang.String theDescription)
          Creates the default implementation of SpellImpl.

Uses of Gesture in spellcast.ui

Methods in spellcast.ui that return Gesture
 Gesture GestureButton.getGesture()
 Gesture WizardDisplay.getLeftHandGesture()
          Return the gesture made with the left hand for the wizard specified by the current client Id.
 Gesture WizardDetails.getLeftHandGesture()
          Return the gesture made with the left hand for the wizard specified by the current client ID.
 Gesture WizardDisplay.getRightHandGesture()
          Return the gesture made with the right hand for the wizard specified by the current client Id.
 Gesture WizardDetails.getRightHandGesture()
          Return the gesture made with the right hand for the wizard specified by the current client ID.

Methods in spellcast.ui with parameters of type Gesture
 void GestureListener.gestureSelected(Gesture g)
          This method is fired when a gesture is selected.
static javax.swing.Icon GestureIcon.getIconForGesture(Gesture g, int hand)
 void GestureButton.setGesture(Gesture newGesture)

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