Class VersionDetails

  extended by spellcast.net.VersionDetails
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VersionDetails
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.io.Serializable

This class contains the version details.

Barrie Treloar
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
VersionDetails(java.lang.String programName, int majorVersionNumber, int minorVersionNumber, int revisionVersionNumber)
          Provide the actual values for the version numbers.
VersionDetails(VersionDetails copy)
          Copy constructor.
Method Summary
 int getMajorVersionNumber()
          Returns the major version number for the program.
 int getMinorVersionNumber()
          Returns the minor version number for the program.
 java.lang.String getProgramName()
          Returns the name of the program that created this packet.
 int getRevisionVersionNumber()
          Returns the revision version number for the program.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public VersionDetails(java.lang.String programName,
                      int majorVersionNumber,
                      int minorVersionNumber,
                      int revisionVersionNumber)
Provide the actual values for the version numbers.

programName - the name of the program creating the packet
majorVersionNumber - the major version number
minorVersionNumber - the minor version number
revisionVersionNumber - the revision version number


public VersionDetails(VersionDetails copy)
Copy constructor. This constructor copies the values out of the object provided and uses them to construct a new object.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getProgramName()
Returns the name of the program that created this packet. The program is free to present any String as the representation of the program name.


public int getMajorVersionNumber()
Returns the major version number for the program. As backwards incompatible changes are made the major version number is incremented. Two versions are only compatible if the major versions numbers are identical.


public int getMinorVersionNumber()
Returns the minor version number for the program. When a group of changes that do not affect the backwards compatibility are bundled together to form a new release then the minor version number is incremented. The minor version number does not affect the compatibility.


public int getRevisionVersionNumber()
Returns the revision version number for the program. The revision version number is used to indicate the build of the system. Every time the system is modified and rebuilt this number is incremented. This number should be reset to zero when a minor release is made. The revision version number does not affect the compatibility.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

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