Uses of Interface

Packages that use Enchantment
spellcast.enchantment The Enchantments of the Spellcast System. 

Uses of Enchantment in spellcast.beings

Methods in spellcast.beings that return Enchantment
 Enchantment[] IBeing.getEnchantments()
          Return an array of all Enchantments that are in effect upon this Being.
 Enchantment[] Being.getEnchantments()
          Return an array of all Enchantments that are in effect upon this Being.

Methods in spellcast.beings with parameters of type Enchantment
 void IBeing.addEnchantment(Enchantment anEnchantment)
          Add an enchantment to this Being.
 void Being.addEnchantment(Enchantment anEnchantment)
          Add an enchantment to this Being.
 void IBeing.removeEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment)
          Remove the specified Enchantment from this Being.
 void Being.removeEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment)
          Remove the specified Enchantment from this Being.

Uses of Enchantment in spellcast.enchantment

Classes in spellcast.enchantment that implement Enchantment
 class AmnesiaEnchantment
          The Amnesia Enchantment.
 class BlindEnchantment
          The Blind Enchantment.
 class CharmPersonEnchantment
          The Charm Person Enchantment.
 class ConfusionEnchantment
          The Amnesia Enchantment.
 class DelayedEffectEnchantment
          The Delayed Effect Enchantment.
 class DiseasedEnchantment
          The Diseased Enchantment.
 class EnchantmentImpl
          The default implementation of Enchantment.
 class FearEnchantment
          The Fear Enchantment.
 class HasteEnchantment
          The Haste Enchantment.
 class InvisibleEnchantment
          The Invisible Enchantment.
 class ParalysisEnchantment
          The Paralysis Enchantment.
 class PermanencyEnchantment
          The Permanency Enchantment.
 class PoisonedEnchantment
          The Poisoned Enchantment.
 class ProtectionFromEvilEnchantment
          The Protection from Evil Enchantment.
 class ResistColdEnchantment
          The Resist Cold Enchantment.
 class ResistHeatEnchantment
          The Resist Heat Enchantment.
 class TimeStopEnchantment
          The Time Stop Enchantment.

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